MSTS Kuala Lumpur
Same expertise, only it is closer
MSTS KL is conveniently located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, is now offering management of major emergency training, including OPITO approved courses:
- Major Emergency Management Initial Response (MEMIR) [OPITO Approved]
- O.I.M. Controlling Emergencies Assessment [OPITO APPROVED]
- Control Room Operator Emergency Response [OPITO APPROVED]
- Onshore Management of Major Emergencies
Major Emergency Management Initial Response (MEMIR) [OPITO APPROVED]
Course Aim & Objective:
The aim of the MEMIR Training is to equip personnel with formal training in command, control, communications and stress-related factors in the management of major emergencies. In addition, this program also provides initial emergency management training for personnel who are undertaking a training and competence program to progress to the role of an emergency response manager.
Duration: 2 - 4 Days
Validity: No expiry
O.I.M. Controlling Emergencies Assessment [OPITO APPROVED]
Course Aim & Objective:
The aim and objective of the OIM Controlling Emergencies Competence Assessment are to formally assess the candidate in the role of an Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) during an emergency situation in a simulated environment.
Duration: 1 - 3 Days
Validity: No expiry
O.I.M. Controlling Emergencies Assessment [OPITO APPROVED]
Course Aim & Objective:
The aim and objective of the CRO Emergency Response Competence Assessment are to formally assess the candidate in the role of the Control Room Operator during an emergency situation in a simulated environment.
Duration: 1 - 3 Days (2 CRO assessed per day)
Certificate Validity:
The CRO Emergency Response Competence Standard has no formal expiry date However, it is recommended that candidates are re-assessed, as a minimum, every 3 years
Onshore Management of Major Emergencies
Course Aim & Objective:
of the Emergency Response organisation on onshore facilities supporting offshore installations, chemical plants, power plants, ports or heavy industry who are required to manage emergencies.
Duration: 2 Days
Validity: 3 Years
Contact us
MSTS Kuala Lumpur / Aberdeen Drilling International
15th Floor Menara Atlan, 161B
Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: +606 292 2069